Space Level Rugged Connector Systems
Applications from CubeSats to Ground Station Units

Genalog's combined experience of over 300 years in bespoke and standard high reliability and mission critical connector systems allows us to "talk technical" for every angle of your space mission's interconnect.
Genalog Ltd has worked with nearly all of the existing companies in the UK Space sector and is looking to actively help with product selection for all start-ups and future projects. We expert the UK space sector grow exponentially as does the UK Government based on the latest statistics of this market. We therefore want to be there at every point of the process from contrasting connector system attributes/technical data for your design requirements, our sales team quoting and scheduling orders, to us finally offering our world class supply chain options and support.

Here, our franchises expertise in the space market....
Omnetics Connector Corporation has a rich history of supporting orbital and deep space projects. Their connectors have been used on the Co-Star, Space Shuttle, Mars Rover and Iridium satellite, to name a few. Omnetics can aid in the design of connectors and harnesses suitable for your application. They offer multiple levels of space screening to the requirements of your specific application.

Harwin are certified to EN9100D / AS9100D, and have been supplying to major manufacturers in this sector for many years. The growth of the CubeSat industry is driving the latest additions to our high-reliability connector ranges: Datamate, Gecko and M300.
Although quality and “must not fail” products are paramount, there’s still your budget to consider. Harwin products provide easy choices for SWaP-C* optimization. Connectors in the high-reliability ranges perform under the most extreme environmental conditions of use: vibration & shock severity, high temperature and humidity.
* SWaP-C = Size, Weight and Power, Cost