From Harwin Distributor Genalog
Browse Harwin's high quality ranges of Connectors & Hardware

High-reliability (Hi-Rel) interconnect solutions for satellites, aersopace, medical devices, defence and more.

Board level shielding solutions and associated accessories that simplify production processes.

Featuring highly-durable board-to-board connectors aimed especially at industrial and embedded applications.
Genalog is a franchised Harwin Distributor and together we offer a wide range of high reliability and industry standard connectors, PCB hardware and associated components. Genalog and Harwin have been in partnership almost since our company’s inception over 30 years ago and have delivered award winning service and supply chain support ever since.
Harwin are a UK based manufacturer that produces an extensive range of industry standard connectors as well as custom offerings. A significant part of manufacturing can be designed to the customer's specific requirements starting from the original concept through to the mass production all within a matter of weeks.
Harwin have over 50 years experience in this industry and have been able to use this wealth of knowledge and expertise to develop, revolutionise and expand into a vast number of product fields. As a technically profound business Harwin has been able to show expertise in stamping, moulding, precision turning, cable assembly and automatic/semi-automatic assembly methods.